Developed for YOU: FLAME Natural Decon

Have you ever had one of those moments where you realize something is missing and if you could create it you might be able to make a lot of people’s lives a lot better? Well, it happened to me when we changed our mission to firefighter and fire family wellness and even the idea had the potential to have too big of an impact on the fire community not to move forward with it. So, when we changed our mission last October, I was looking at the products we carry to figure out what products we should get in and... is a Firefighter and Fire Family Wellness Company: The Story of Why We Changed Our Mission

So, I’m going to be super transparent with you here – we went into this a bit naïve. Let me tell you, moms and sisters really, truly DO NOT realize the health issues that our firefighters and fire families face! As a veteran, I was quickly able to identify and relate, but prior to being part of this community on a daily basis, I didn’t realize the physical and/or mental health issues that our fire community faces, both firefighters themselves, and families at home. Once I realized these issues, it was something that began to quickly and heavily weigh on me....
Mom Needed a Fire Mom Sticker

Do you want to know the story of how started? The real, un-sugarcoated, mother and daughter start-up story? Good, cause that’s what you’re going to get here. First, since this is our first blog, I thought I’d start with a quick introduction. I’m Tara, fire sister, mil veteran, and co-owner here at - I run our social media accounts, website, and now our blog. You’re going to quickly realize that I’m a straight shooter and I’m going to keep it real with you guys! I’ve decided to start this blog in hopes of connecting with you on a...