Fire Family Resources

The resources listed below are organizations that support the wellness of firefighters and fire families. We know the people behind these organizations and each and every one of them is there because they want to help - so, if you find you could use their help, please allow them the opportunity. Also, feel free to reach out to us anytime! 

Immediate Help

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255 


Call 911

One-on-One Support

Next Rung

Mission: Help combat mental health issues among Firefighters and First Responders

What they do: Providing peer support (one-on-one conversation with another firefighter/first responder) and financial assistance for licensed counseling (they will find a counselor who fits you, that lives in your area, and help cover the cost of the first cycle of sessions).


How To Respond To Someone Contemplating Suicide

Community and Training 

Are You Ready Training


1. To introduce and identify the need to talk openly about mental health awareness and PTSD.

2. To help firefighters and leaders in organizations understand their role in mental health and fire culture.

3. To help motivate individuals who are serious and passionate about improving the habits of the firehouse as well as their lives.

What they do: Department and group training. John Sahatjian, an 18 year emergency service veteran,  teaches different aspects of mental health and the effects it may have on responders, their agency and their families. He also discusses the commonly overlooked post-traumatic stress disordered within the emergency services sector.

CFFW Foundation, Inc.

Mission: Bring education and awareness about important issues such as mental health, firefighter cancer, and maintaining the home and build a strong community of fire families, where spouses and firefighters better understand each others' needs. 

What they do: Hold seminars and classes brining attention to these important topics. They also provide for fire families in need and hold CPR classes for firefighters' spouses. 

Iverson Foundation for Active Awareness 

Mission: Raise awareness of the mental and emotional state within first responders, help remove the stigma that tells them they are unfit for the job if they are not mentally sound, and shift the culture; encouraging them to be proactive within the workplace and actively work to improve their mental and emotional health.

What they do: Provide resources, innovative classes, and awareness events. Through transparency IFAA has made it its mission to change the culture within the first responder community.